1. 準備兩個洗車用水桶,把隔離板壓到其中一個水桶底部
2. 把乾淨的雪尼爾洗車手套浸入沒有隔離板的水桶內,然後徹底清洗車身,每次專注於一塊面板
3. 把骯髒的雪尼爾洗車手套浸入有隔離板的水桶內,直接摩擦隔離板,以去除污垢
4. 把殘餘的污垢從雪尼爾洗車手套裏扭出來
5. 再把雪尼爾洗車手套浸入乾淨水桶內,然後繼續洗車
需時:1-5 分鐘
<How to Use>:
1.Press firmly into bucket of clean soap and water until it sits flush and snugly at the bottom.
2.Dunk car wash mitt into the soap solution bucket, then wash the vehicle top to bottom one panel at a time.
3.Dunk the dirty mitt in the rinse bucket and scrub directly onto the filter to agitate dirt from the mitt.
4.Wring mitt out on the ground to flush out any loose dirt.
5.Dunk mitt back in soap bucket and continue to wash car.